Nursing Entrance Exam
Required test for entry into college nursing programs.
The NLN PAX and TEAS seem to be the most popular entrance exams into college Nursing programs. These tests contain material on verbal ability, mathematics and science. The verbal ability section covers word knowledge, reading comprehension and sentence completion. The mathematics section covers word problems, basic calculations, integers, fractions, percentages, decimals, conversions, graphics, algebra, geometry, and applied mathematics. The science section covers general science, Earth science, biology, human anatomy and physiology, chemistry and physics. Most nursing schools require you to score a 50 or higher in order to be accepted into their program. However, this may vary among nursing schools.
We can help you refresh your memory and strengthen your knowledge on the math covered on these nursing extrance exams.
One of our students improved her score on the NLN math section from 55% correct to 88% correct!